Séminaire des Master
13h30 – 14h30 :
Intervenant : Grégory Faye (IMT)
Titre : An introduction to reaction-diffusion equations
Résumé :
The aim of this lecture is to give an introduction to the topic of reaction-diffusion equations. Such a class of partial differential equations is often encountered in the field of mathematical biology where it typically models how population distributions change dynamically in space. With simple examples and some numerical illustrations, we shall present some of the main challenges and problems underlying the mathematical study of reaction-diffusion equations and provide some intuitions about their solutions.
15h – 16h :
Intervenant : Nathanaël Munier
Titre : Inverse problem and identifiability: an investigation
Résumé :
Let’s take a look at the world of police investigations. We’ll be exploring the area of inverse problems and bayesian analysis, which will give us all the tools we need to make the right deductions. Fingerprints and robot portraits will be there! Will you be able to reverse your points of view to identify who the criminal is?